“Stay with it!”
Today I pressed the 22. Strict, military press, 22kg kettlebell. First time ever in my life. This was also the first time ever I held a 22kg kettlebell in my…
Today I pressed the 22. Strict, military press, 22kg kettlebell. First time ever in my life. This was also the first time ever I held a 22kg kettlebell in my…
On the road again… while trying to keep healthy AND in shape – Mission Impossible?
Well, certainly it is difficulty level at least 12 – one of the most common disruptors of healthy eating & exercise habits is being away from home.
Whether it’s a short getaway, a full-blown 2 week holiday or a business trip, it’s much harder to stick to eating nutritious, protein-dense foods, keeping your exercise up and even harder to stick to a calorie deficit when you don’t have access to your own kitchen. (more…)
An interesting question came up today:
How do I stop myself buying random snacks and eating them during the day?
It’s a problem for many of us.
(You know the ancient rule: don’t go food shopping hungry. Yet we do it. Because who has time to eat before shopping?)
Sometimes you don’t even plan to go food shopping but you need to go there anyway – and you end up buying those strategically placed chocolate bars and eating them on the way out of the shop already…
This adds a lot to your calorie intake…