Personal Training Gym in Bristol - StrengthLab
Train with us to get stronger, fitter, more confident and
feel awesome in your skin!
Welcome to your Personal Training Experience .

Shared Personal Training
Train regularly to achieve awesomeness
It’s your time, your plan, your gym space, your personal trainer – all here to help you achieve awesomeness. A shared personal training experience with 3-4 like-minded people for more fun and motivation – at an affordable price.
1:1 Personal Training
Expert eyes
only on you
Perfect for learning or improving any strength technique or if you have very specific needs in training that require a pair of expert eyes’ full focus on you.
To book click here
or call us
Specialist Workshops
Learn techniques
in detail
Join our regular workshops to learn strength skills in detail: stronger barbell lifts, more effective bodyweight exercises, the way to a pull-up, safe and effective kettlebell techniques.
Recover from Injury
Stay in the game with recovery training
Certified experts in BFR training – a specific tool and training system used by Olympic athletes – we are here to help you keep your strength and muscle mass when recovering from an injury, and even accelerate healing!
Our Members Say...

The impact of StrengthLab on my life has been remarkable: from preparation for and recovery from a knee replacament operation through to bespoke exercises to various endurance cycling events the support, the expertise & planning has been superb. But more importantly I am stronger, leaner & more confident person as a result of ALL the training. Thank you all. (Oh & the coffe is great too).
(Sarah M.)

For me StrengthLab is the place where I, being a non sporty, non competitive type, feel comfortable with physical activity. I don’t have to worry about being embarrassed or humiliated, or letting anyone down. I am with a group of good people, trainers and members alike, who are supportive and encouraging, and who I am confident in.
(Martin T.)

It’s impossible to express how much StrengthLab has changed my life – I couldn’t do without it now, it’s really a home from home.
(Sue E.)
What is unique about StrengthLab?
It’s your time, your plan, your studio, your personal trainer – all here to help you achieve awesomeness.
On shared personal training sessions you will be training together with 2-3 like-minded people so you can share the fun and motivation – at an affordable price.
This means you can get the most out of your strength and fitness training without breaking the bank!
Find out more at out private gym for personal training Bristol.
Discover how we can help you get stronger, fitter and healthier! Book your intro session to our shared personal training today.
Meet The Coaches
Our Members Say...

Find Us & Opening Hours
StrengthLab – Shared Personal Training Bristol
7 Lawrence Hill, Bristol, BS5 0BY
7am – 12pm
4pm – 8pm
8am – 12pm